Amazing Spider-Man Family #4 (Mr. and Mrs. Spider-Man)


Writer: Tom DeFalco
Penciller: Todd Nauck

Synopsis: An encounter with a thief leads to an opportunity for Peter. 

Comments: Mary Jane was an psychology major during DeFalco's second run on Amazing Spider-Man and she's using that training here to deescalate the situation. She's using LEAPS (Listen, Empathize, Ask, Paraphrase, Summarize). I've seen other variations like just LEAP (Listen, Empathize, Agree, Partner). 

Peter obviously doesn't believe the criminal's Jean Valjean story. 

The crook's name is Angelo Cantano, which means "Angel Sings." The name is probably meant to be ironic. Angelo's a jerk trying to get Peter and Mary Jane arrested or killed. 

Det. Drasco shows up here who will appear in Amazing Spider-Girl as a conflicted cop working for the Hobgoblin, but also helping Spider-Girl. 

Angelo unwittingly tells the truth in that he encountered Spider-Man, just not under those circumstances. 

The forensic expert is Carlie Cooper, who was Peter Parker's love interest in the main 616 continuity after the "One More Day" storyline undid his marriage to Mary Jane. Since Peter and Mary Jane would remain married in this continuity, Carlie still has a big impact on Peter's life by convincing him to go into a police forensics career. 


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