Li'l Benjy-the Spectacular Spider-Baby


Writer: Tom DeFalco
Penciller: Colleen Coover

Synopsis: Spider-Girl's little brother has baby adventures with the help of his spider powers. 

Comments: The Li'l Benjy comics were printed as back up features in Amazing Spider-Girl #25-28 and Spectacular Spider-Girl vol. 2 #3. 

The title of the feature seems to be taken from comics with child protagonists with the word "li'l" in the title. Some I found online were Li'l Jinx, Li'l Tomboy, Li'l Genius, Li'l Kids and Li'l Willie (*chuckle*). 

Tom DeFalco said in an interview that the main influence of stories were Sugar and Spike, a DC book featuring baby protagonists. This is before Rugrats or Marvin. 

I suppose these comics can be considered semi-canon at most. Benjy seems older than he appeared in the Spider-Girl comics, but then his age has always seemed a little inconsistent, especially during the Spider-Verse crossover. Benjy powers include spider-sense, wall crawling, agility and probably super strength since the web shooters take a certain amount of pressure to fire them. His organic webbing ability would not be revealed until Amazing Spider-Girl #30, which is why he uses a web shooters in the comic below. 

Only one of the features never showed Benjy using any of his powers and it could have been for almost any baby comic strip where Benjy and his friends confuse snow with flour. 


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