DeFalco/Frenz Retrospective: Thor #449

Writer: Tom DeFalco
Penciler: Ron Frenz 

Synopsis: Ulik breaks out of prison while Eric receives a message from Odin. 

Comments: The recession is noted and this comic was published in early 1992. The economy was one of the reasons cited that George H.W. Bush was defeated by Bill Clinton in November of that year. The opposite of this situation happens in J2 #5,written by Tom DeFalco, where J2's destructive battle with Wild Thing leads to more work for construction workers. 

I guess this fails the Bechdel Test.

Amora is attacked by Skoll the Wolf God "the better to slay thee" and her axe gets left behind where someone comes and finds it and transforms not unlike Donald Blake all the way back in Journey into Mystery #83. 

Majowski bearing down on Ulik in the van while saying "Wah-hoo!" reminds me of Dum Dum Dugan in Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandoes #2. 

Eric receives a message from Odin that Heimdall is a usurper,  so he and Code: Blue are going to storm Asgard. 


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