DeFalco/Frenz Retrospective: Spider-Man #26

Writer: Tom DeFalco
Penciler: Ron Frenz, Mark Bagley 

Synopsis: Spider-Man meets up with someone who may be connected to his origin. 

Comments: I'm not terribly interested in the main villain, except to say it's a guy in a force field costume and the mob is on his trail. The co-plot is about a young criminal, Jimmy Costas, who is thinking about his uncle's mistakes. He sure does think about his uncle a lot. 

A Superman line. DeFalco used those a lot in Spider-Girl

Spider-Man's split second look at Jimmy, who resembles the burglar who killed Uncle Ben in clothing and appearance, triggers memories of his origin. I was disappointed the retelling didn't keep the eyes bugging out of the mask like they did in Amazing Fantasy #15 when Spider-Man realized who the burglar was. So the burglar is on his mind for the payoff later. 

Jimmy tells Spider-Man that his uncle was a burglar, making Spider-Man think that Jimmy was the nephew of the burglar. Jimmy mentions his burglar uncle is dead and the burglar who killed Uncle Ben died in Amazing Spider-Man #200 after finding out Peter Parker was Spider-Man and being frightened to death about what Spider-Man would do to him. 

Some Stan and Steve graffiti, of course.


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