Amazing Spider-Man Family #4 (Swiney-Girl)
Writer: Tom DeFalco Penciller: Shawn Moll Synopsis: The origin of May "Mayday" Porker, the spectacular Swiney-Girl. Comments: The Spider-Ham in these stories takes place on a different Earth than the Spider-Ham that Tom DeFalco created years ago. On this Earth, Peter Porker was a pig who was bitten by a radioactive spider instead of vice-versa on the original Spider-Ham earth. The fight Spider-Ham has with the Green Gobbler seems to be taken from the end of the first Spider-Man (2002) movie where Spider-Man rescues a bunch of children on the Roosevelt Island Tram from the Green Goblin. Reed Richards is Weed Wiskers here. On the original Spider-Ham's earth, he is Mooster Fantastic. Although we shouldn't get too caught up in continuity when it comes to Spider-Ham because he was drawn inconsistently in comics that took place on that Earth, as the examples show from Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham #1 and #12. While she's Mary Crane Watsow-Parker here, M...